CARWIZ expanding to the Caribbean

Carwiz International has successfully placed its franchise business within the Caribbean market, specifically St. Maarten. At the moment, negotiation is underway concerning the expansion of the franchise network to the surrounding Caribbean islands, while Carwiz has already successfully completed the global positioning of the brand in Croatia, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Latvia, Cyprus, Morocco, Turkey, Serbia and Albania. At the same time, this is the first business step of Carwiz International towards the overseas markets!
According to Krešimir Dobrilović, director and owner of Carwiz, the company's aim to position its franchise network on the Caribbean market was successfully achieved. "It is well known that the Caribbean, or St. Maarten, is an exceptionally powerful tourist destination. It is a destination that has been honored for its achievements in international contexts. Our partners with whom we have completed the franchise placement are assured that the business results we expect in the coming years will be truly achieved. In addition, by strengthening the brand and promoting available channels, we expect other Caribbean destinations to soon become part of the Carwiz family.”
Over the past few years, the Caribbean has recorded over 30 million visitors annually.
Bearing in mind that guests visiting the Caribbean are mostly from the US, Canada, and Europe, and with on-destination spending growing at an average of 3% a year, Carwiz's success on the market is sure to become even more significant.
To date, Carwiz has successfully achieved a franchise network placement on the markets of Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Latvia, Cyprus, Morocco, Turkey, Serbia and Albania. Carwiz management is currently conducting franchise negotiations with 20 car rental companies from around the world - including the markets of Vietnam, Brazil, Russia, Malaysia, Malta, Portugal, Spain ...